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Reza Shahabi back in jail again - April 15, 2013

Public Forum on April 21, 2013 in Toronto: Labour Imperialism: The Challenge in Building International Labour Solidarity
Reza Shahabi's temporary release extended; updates on Behnam Ebrahimzadeh; Jan 13, 2012

Reza Shahabi temporarily released on bail - January 7, 2013

Latest updates on jailed labour activists; Shahabi on 3 weeks of hunger strike- Jan 7, 2013

Reza Shahabi is expected to be released on bail for medical treatment; Jan 1, 2013

RMT demands immediate release of Tehran bus union treasurer Reza Shahabi

Urgent action: Reza Shahabi's hunger strike reaches day 10

IASWI Newsletter, Dec 26, 2012, workers' struggles in Iran, Vol 2, No 7

CUPE National's protest letter in support of Reza Shahabi and jailed labour activists in Iran

ITF: Concerns grow over Tehran bus union treasurer Shahabi

Communiqué 43 of Reza Shahabi Defence Committee

Urgent Action: Reza Shahabi needs your support and solidarity

In Solidarity with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Resolution against economic sanction and threat of war on Iran- Special Bulletin

IASWI Newsletter- Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 2, Number 6, Sept 15, 2012

Reza Shahabi's health is worsening

Demonstration in solidarity with South African miners, Toronto, August 25, 2012

IASWI condemns the massacre of striking mineworkers in South Africa

CUPE Ontario: Free Alireza Asgari and Jalil Mohammadi

Norwegian Transport Workers' Union:  Free Alireza Asgari and Jalil Mohammadi

Urgent Action: Free Alireza Asgari and Jalili Mohammadi

IASWI Newsletter- Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 2, Number 5, Aug 4, 2012

IASWI Newsletter- Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 2, Number 4, July 19, 2012

Latest updates on Karaj detainees, July 19, 2012

The "Appeals Court" upholds unjust sentences against Reza Shahabi

CUPE calls for immediate release of imprisoned Iranian trade unionists

RMT President, Alex Gordon, calls for the release of all jailed workers in Iran

The targeting of Afghans in Iran must stop

Récit de l’arrestation des militants ouvriers et des membres du Comité de Coordination pour la
création d’organisations ouvrières.

Special IASWI Newsletter on brutal raid on workers' meeting in Karaj, June 21, 2012

Protest at Iranian Embassy in Ottawa, June 22, 2012

Demonstration in London UK, in protest against the raid on workers' meeting in Karaj, June 21, 2012

Protest letter by Norwegian Transport Workers' Union to the IRI 's Ambassador-June 19, 2012

French unions condemn the wave of repression against labour activists in Iran -June 18, 2012

Urgent Action: Arrest of 60 labour activists in Iran

IASWI Newsletter Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 2, Number 2, June 14, 2012

49th annual CUPE Ontario Convention adopts a strong resolution in solidarity with workers in Iran

Rally in Geneva, June 6, 2012, called by French trade unions in support of workers in Iran

IASWI Newsletter Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 2, Number 1, May 16, 2012 (pdf)

IASWI Newsletter Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 2, Number 1, May 16, 2012

Current conditions of workers in Iran: Text of the speech by Ayob Rahmani of the IASWI at the May Day Seminar in London

Amnesty International Urgent Action: Trade Unionist Given Six-Year Sentence: Reza Shahabi

May Day seminar in London, UK, May 4, 2012: workers' movements in Egypt, UK and Iran

Reza Shahabi sentenced to six years imprisonment


IASWI: let's stop the execution of Abdolreza Ghanbari

Clemency denied for Iranian teacher on death row. Amnesty International calls for urgent action

Education International launches urgent action appeal to stop Iranian teacher's execution

Online campaign: Stop the execution of Abdolreza Ghanbari

TUC: save Alireza Ghanbari's life

Stand in solidarity with the working class of Greece

Resolution against economic sanction and threat of war on Iran- Special Bulletin

IASWI Newsletter Workers' Struggles in Iran, Vol 1, Number 10, Feb 4, 2012

Reza Shahabi's denial letter about a human rights award

Reza Shahabi ended his hunger strike in response to labour movement call

Sign the petition: Free all imprisoned labour activists in Iran

Workers' Struggles in Iran, updated Dec 21, 2011

RMT's President Alex Gordon's solidarity message to Reza Shahabi

A solidarity message to Reza Shahabi from Alex Callinicos

Call for urgent action: Free Reza Shahabi now
ITF/ITUC Press Release: Ebrahim Madadi is freed

Report by Omid Rezai of IASWI on LabourStart Conference, Istanbul

IASWI special bulletin for LabourStart conference in Istanbul, Nov 18-20, 2011

Workers' struggles in Iran- IASWI Newsletter, Vol 1, Number 7, November 17, 2011

Workers' struggles in Iran- IASWI Newsletter, Vol 1, Number 6, October 12, 2011

March on the anniversary of the 1980s massacre of political prisoners in Iran: September 24, 2011

A message from CUPW President, Denis Lemelin, to IASWI: "International solidarity knows no borders"

No justice no peace: the riot is the rhyme of the unheard, let us begin to listen. By Javad Alipoor

Sample protest letter in support of jailed labour activists in Iran-July 2011

IASWI newsletter, workers' struggles in Iran, Vol 1, No 5, July 17, 2011

UK: Support the strike action called by NUT, UCU, ATL and PCS members

IASWI newsletter, workers' struggles in Iran, Vol 1, No 4, June 24, 2011

Report on June 9, 2011 day of action in Geneva in support of workers in Iran

Oppose back-to-work legislation against Canadian postal workers

IASWI supports Canadian Union of Postal Workers

5 ways to support CUPW members on strike

RadioLabour interview on June 9, 2011 day of action

Link to reports and interviews in Farsi on June 9, 2011 day of  action in Geneva

IASWI Newsletter: Special issue on June 9th day of action

CGAS-Geneva: labour movement in Geneva in support of June 9th action called by French trade unions

Support French trade union' call for June 9th, 2011 demonstration in support of workers in Iran

French trade union collective call for June 9th, 2011 demonstration in support of workers in Iran

Les syndicats français: Soutien aux libertés syndicales en IRAN

A call to action: Protest against Islamic Republic of Iran, June 9, 2011, ILO-Geneva

Building solidarity from South Africa to Palestine: A cross-Canada tour with trade unionists from South Africa and Palestine

IASWI Newsletter, Workers' struggles in Iran, Vol 1, No 2, May 15, 2011

A tribute to Behzad Kazemi, by Kamran Nayeri

Mahmoud Salehi's open letter to ITUC General Secretary on arrests of labour activists in Iran

The burial ceremony of Behzad Kazemi on May 16, 2011

IASWI Newsletter, Vol 1, No 1 May 1, 2011: workers' struggles in Iran

IASWI Newsletter, Vol 1, No 1 May 1, 2011: workers' struggles in Iran (PDF version)

The fifth general assembly of the Coordinating Committee to help Form Workers' Organizations

Behzad Kazemi, long-time IASWI activist dies at 57

To imprisoned workers of Iran (from scholars including Noam Chomsky)

Open letter to WFTU: Stop collaboration with the Workers' House of the Islamic Regime of Iran

CUPE Global Justice: Arrests of union activists in Iran

A radioLabour interview with Farid C. Partovi - IASWI: Renewed protests in Iran after the Egyptian revolution

A RadioLabour interview with Farid C. Partovi - IASWI: The Tehran bus workers' union

Oil workers in Iranian Revolution: an interview with Ali Pichgah

Reza Rakhsan Shall be released

Vahed Syndicate: Free Fariborz Raees Dana

Free Habibollah Latifi! Help us to stop the Iranian state murdering Habibollah Latifi! Please add your name
Reza Shahabi sends a New Year message of thanks from his prison ward

Amnesty International Urgent Action: Political prisoner faces imminent execution 

Reza Shahabi ended his strike after his file activated and in appreciation of international support

Ali Nejati's dismissal confirmed

Fariborz Raees Dana arrested after criticizing government subsidy cuts

Reze Shahabi to continue his hunger strike but agreed to take liquids

Joint letter of Bob Crow, Len McCluskey and Peter Bunting in support of Reza Shahabi and other imprisoned workers in Iran

Solidarity message to Reza Shahabi by CUPE activists

Solidarity message to Reza Shahabi by CGT-France

Urgent Action Appeal from Amnesty International- Release Reza Shahabi

CUPE Ontario International Solidarity Committee: Release Reza Shahabi Now

CUPE National's protest letter on harassment of labour organizations in Iran

Urgent action requested: An open letter from the family of Reza Shahabi

Demonstrations on December 4, 2010 in London, Paris and Toronto in support of jailed workers in Iran

Support jailed workers in Iran

Reza Rakhshan, president of Haft Tapeh Workers' Syndicate sentenced to six month imprisonment

Sample protest letter, as of Dec 1, 2010: Free jailed workers now

Reza Shahabi still in jail despite posting bail- an interview with Shahabi's wife

RMT reports: ITF Congress carried an Emergency Resolution in support of bus workers of Tehran

Osanloo sentenced to one more year imprisonment. Shahabi still held incommunicado

Members of the Coordinating Committee targeted

Leaflet distribution in Tehran about Reza Shahabi's arrest

Sample protest letter: Free all jailed workers (updated Aug 11, 2010)

RMT to campaign for release of Reza Shahabi

The Vahed Syndicate concerned about Reza Shahabi’s condition in Evin prison

Mansour Osanloo faces new charges and trial

CUPW: Free Sakineh!

IASWI condemns police violence against G20 protesters!

Updates on Torabian and Shahabi--More arrests of labour activists-ACT NOW


Resolution to support Iranian Bus Drivers’ Union Leaders

Tehran bus workers' syndicate's treasurer arrested on June 12, 2010- Campaign to free leaders of bus workers' union!

Saeed Torabian, Board member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Company arrested on June 9, 2010

Condemn Torabian's arrest!

IASWI Condemns Israel's Crimes Against the Freedom Flotilla 


Canadian Teachers' Federation: Photos of rally in front of Iranian embassy in Ottawa

Rally at Iranian embassy in Ottawa

Press Release: Protest at the Iranian embassy

LabourStart Act Now: Farzad Kamangar executed

Updates and sample protest letters, May 17, 2010

Letter from Paul Moist to the Leader of the Islamic Republic

Canadian Teachers' Federation: Letter to the President of the IRI

CUPW's protest letter to the IRI

Condemn execution of Farzad Kamanagar and four other political activists

Yadullah Khosroshahi Funeral Ceremony

Send a sympathy message to: alliance@workers-iran.org 

CGT of France-Tribute To Yadullah 

Sympathy messages on the passing of the most prominent Iranian labour leader in exile

On the Passing of Yadullah Khosroshahi

Free Majid Hamidi Now!

Iran: Workers' rights' updates and urgent actions, as of January 21, 2010


Media Advisory- List of speakers at the Day of Action for Iran in Ottawa

Canadian unions and labour and social activists protest outside Iranian embassy on June 26 day of action

Demonstration against Islamic Republic of Iran, New York, June 26

Demonstration outside Iranian embassy in Ottawa on June 26

Latest updates on May First detainees

June 26, 2009 Global Solidarity Action Day

Demonstration outside Iranian Embassy in Ottawa, May 27, 2009

Iran: A Call for the International Campaign to Free May Day Detainees

Sample Protest letter, Re: May Day Detainees

May Day rallies attacked! Many beaten and arrested!

May Day Statement of Iranian Workers

LabourStart Act Now: Drop charges against union leaders


   send us an email at: alliance@workers-iran.org or:  info@workers-iran.org

    Or write to us at: IASWI, Box 1164, Station Q, Toronto, Ont.
      M4T 2P4 Canada