According to a report received through The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), the ITF Congress in Mexico carried unanimously an Emergency Resolution No. 2: IRAN as follows.

"The 42nd ITF Congress held in Mexico City

1. RECALLING that the 41st Congress in Durban in 2006 called for the urgent release of Mansour Osanloo, leader of the ITF affiliated Vahed bus workers' union and that the Iranian authorities complied with the resolution and release him on the final day of the Congress,

2. NOTING that Osanloo then attended an ITF road transport conference and the ITUC General Council in 2007 but was kidnapped from a bus by security agents shortly after his return to Iran and has been in detention since,

3. WELCOMING the efforts by ITF affiliates worldwide, including ITF affiliates participating in action days, and visits to Tehran and ITF inspectors visiting Iranian ships, that have focussed attention on Mansour Osanloo and other imprisoned trade union leaders in Iran,

4. EXPRESSES ITS DEEP APPRECIATION to all ITF unions who have been taking part ion this campaign. Many have joined the Action Days; ITF Inspectors visiting Iranian ships; several unionists travelled to Iran in solidarity with Osanloo; others have honoured the union through awards and union honorary membership

5. FURTHER CONDEMNS the escalation of attacks on workers' rights in the recent months where more than 50 trade unionists are in jail, and notes with grave concern reports that the imprisoned bus union executive board member Reza Shahabi has been prevented from contacting his family or legal representatives for over a month since reporting that he had suffered neck and back injuries while in prison;

6. NOTING that the Iranian government in its response to a complaint to the ILO Committee of Freedom of Association submitted by the ITF and the ITUC informed the ILO in June 2010 that Osanloo would soon be released from detention,

7. NOTING with grave concern that since that date further charges have been levied against Osanloo and that there is no sign that the Iranian government is ready to honour the committment it gave to the ILO,

8. AWARE that the ITF General Secretary immediately extended an invitation to Mansour to attend the 42nd Congress which was redused for delivery by the authorities at his prison,

9. WELCOMING the strong alliance the ITF has built with other Global Unin organisations - ITUC, EI, IUF - together with human rights activists in Amnesty International,

10. AWARE that Iranian maritime workers organisations are approaching the ITF with requests for affiliation, this Congress:

A. DEMANDS that the Iranian government immediately release all trade unionists in detention, and fulfills its specific commitment to release Mansour Osanloo

B. CALLS on all the ITF Executive Board and on ITF affiliates to continue action in support of Osanloo, Ebrahim Madadi and Reza Shahabi also of the bus union and other imprisoned and persecuted union leaders in Iran,

C. INSTRUCTS the Executive Board to make it clear to any Iranian trade union organisation seeking to affiliate to the ITF that a fundamental condition for its membership will be active and public support for the campaign in support of Osanloo.

D. SUPPORTS the efforts of other trade unions around the globe to approach companies engaged e.g. In car manufacture, the oil industry and metal industries to ask their company in Iran to recognize independent trade unions in Iran, and encourages ITF collaboration with such initiatives.