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Breaking news

Who picked my tea? | IUF UITA IUL

The UK trade justice organization Tradecraft Exchange has launched a public campaign calling on the 6 tea companies which together account for over two-thirds of UK tea sales to disclose the plantations they source from in Assam, India. We support...

Breaking news

trade union’s resistance to attacks on education

The Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação has been successful in pushing back a bill in the Brazilian Parliament that would prevent the expression of any political, ideological, or partisan ideas in classrooms. Mobilising massively, the Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores...

Breaking news

Zambia: Mining union on recruitment blitz

12.07.2018 “I will be smiling all the way to Kitwe,” says Brenda Mufika, the Copperbelt Regional Coordinator, of the Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ), after signing a recognition agreement with Smech Engineering Services in the Sinazongwe District of the Southern Province...

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