This letter is to express utmost outrage over the tragic death of Afshin Osanloo, a jailed Iranian labour activist and political prisoner. Prison authorities have announced that Mr. Afshin Osanloo suffered a heart attack on Thursday, June 20, 2013 in notorious Rajai-Shahr Prison in the City of Karaj. Afshin Osanloo was 42 years old and had no previous hearth problems. He was subject to severe torture during his incarceration since December 2010.
Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei
Leader of the Islamic Republic
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
This letter is to express utmost outrage over the tragic death of Afshin Osanloo, a jailed Iranian labour activist and political prisoner. Prison authorities have announced that Mr. Afshin Osanloo suffered a heart attack on Thursday, June 20, 2013 in notorious Rajai-Shahr Prison in the City of Karaj. Afshin Osanloo was 42 years old and had no previous hearth problems. He was subject to severe torture during his incarceration since December 2010.
This letter is also written to protest continued persecution of labour activists and gross violation of workers’ and human rights in Islamic Republic of Iran. We continue to witness many labour activists brutally persecuted and unjustly incarcerated based on totally false charges. In particular, we are seriously concerned about the health and well being of many of these prisoners of conscious who are in need of immediate medical care.
A group of prominent labour activists and political prisoners from Evin Prison wrote on June 24, 2013 that Afshin Osanloo’s death is only the latest episode of an extended series of political prisoners’ deaths, including Akbar Mohamadi, Amir Heshmat Saran, Zahra Bani Yaghoub, Omid Mirsiafi, Hoda Saber, Mohesn Dokmeh Chi, Satar Beheshti and many more. This indicates that the Islamic Republic of Iran is pursuing, among other repressive policies and practices, a strategy of slow and gradual death towards political prisoners, by making them subject to severe torture, medical neglect and gross mistreatments by prison authorities.
We call for an independent international inquiry into the death of Afshin Osanloo and the condition of political prisoners. We call on your government to immediately end all executions, torture and mistreatment of labour activists and all political prisoners and immediate and unconditional freedom for all political prisoners in Iran. We call on the Iranian government to recognize the right to organize, assemble and freedom of association and expression as reflected in internationally recognized labour standards of the International Labour Organization.
So there is no misunderstanding, U.S. Labor Against the War has a long standing policy of opposition to the provocative, threatening and bellicose conduct of the U.S. government toward Iran and opposes U.S. interference in the internal affairs of the Iranian state and people. We believe that disputes between the U.S. and Iranian government should be resolved by negotiation not by threats or force of arms.
We also support the democratic right of the Iranian people to self-determination, freedom of expression and association, and religious and ethnic tolerance. Gross violations of human, social, political and civil rights on the part or at the behest of the Iranian government lend credence to the propaganda and misrepresentations of the U.S. government, and undermine the cause of peace and international understanding.
Michael Eisenscher
National Coordinator
U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW)
U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW)
Email: [email protected]
PMB 153
1718 “M” Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Voicemail: 202/521-5265