Education International reports:
“Two urgent resolutions on teacher rights and in solidarity with Iran teacher unionists were presented to Congress on 26 July. The resolutions highlighted the difficulties of activists including Esmail Abdi, the president of Iranian teacher association Tehran ITTA who was denied permission to leave Iran to attend the 7th World Congress.
In addition, EI has agreed to start organising a mission to Iran as mandated in one of the resolutions. “We need to send a strong message that we will not tolerate the violation of the human and trade union rights of the people of Iran,” said Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary of EI.” (
IASWI warmly thanks and congratulates the delegates at the EI’s 7th World Congress for supporting teachers’ rights and struggles in Iran.
Free all imprisoned teachers and labour activsts in Iran and around the world!
Click here for the Education International’s urgent actions in support of teachers in Iran.
International Alliance in support of workers in Iran (IASWI)
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