Breaking news

Breaking news

Teachers stand up for displaced children and teachers

As growing numbers of refugees try to find safety from conflict, persecution, and natural disasters often induced by climate change, Education International is highlighting the plight of displaced children and educators worldwide. According to the United Nations, 70.8 million children,...

Breaking news

Trade union repression continues in Algeria

It is the third year running that Algeria has been under scrutiny by the Committee on the Application of Standards at the Conference for violations of fundamental ILO Convention 87 on Freedom of Association. Raouf Mellal, who is president of...

Breaking news

“Red pens” mobilise the private education unions

Education trade unions representing state-subsidised private education in France have made history by uniting to put forward their demands and call for “decent and peaceful working conditions for all employees”, as “a matter of survival and dignity”. In January 2019,...

Breaking news

#14J: massive general strike in Brazil

The aim of the general strike was to stop a social security reform in the Chamber of Deputies, which would mean a setback in terms of rights. In addition, strikers reject the budget cut for public education and are against...

Breaking news

World unions march to UN for a fair social contract Unions, including global unions and IndustriALL affiliates from the CGT and FO in France, CGIL in Italy and the KMWU in Korea, marched through Geneva calling for a new social contract. The challenges facing workers include the urgent need...

Breaking news

UAW loses election at VW Chattanooga by 29 votes

In the end, the difference between a unionized workplace and one without real worker representation was narrow: 833 employees voted against union representation and 776 in favour, a difference of merely 29 votes. The UAW and the global union movement...

Breaking news

Young unionists demanding justice for Lula

“We have been protesting for 417 days”, says a sign outside the federal police headquarters in Curitiba, where Lula da Silva is currently incarcerated. It is a permanent camp where hundreds of people meet every day to call for Lula's release....

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