Breaking news

Breaking news

Ericsson global trade union network moves forward

The Network was launched in April 2016 with the purpose of uniting Ericsson trade unions from around the world; sharing essential information and practices; protecting workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively; and engaging with the company in global dialogue.The network is a joint...

Breaking news

Peru: mining strike met with violence and arrests

IndustriALL affiliate the Federation of Mining and Metallurgical Workers of Peru (FNTMMSP) went on strike on 10 September demanding the right to collective bargaining at sector level, after having spent six months trying to engage the employer in a dialogue.The...

Breaking news

Indian auto unions prepare for technological transformation

Participants at the workshop highlighted that trade unions must be proactive in understanding complex and rapid technological changes in the production process and their implications for job security, workers’ rights and their welfare.Georg Leutert, IndustriALL Director for Automotive and Aerospace...

Breaking news

Nearly 50,000 UAW workers strike at General Motors in US

Some 200 local union leaders from United Auto Workers (UAW), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, unanimously agreed to strike after the current collective bargaining agreement with the auto giant expired on Saturday 14 September.Workers want GM to recognize the contributions...

Breaking news

South African union signs wage deal

According to the three-year wage deal signed on 12 September, which expires in 2022, workers in the sector will receive a nine per cent increase in 2019 and seven per cent increases in the following years. The wage increases will...

Breaking news

Members in the Kootenays meet and learn

CUPE’s Kootenay District Council (KDC) met in Creston, BC from September 4 to September 7 to take care of business and upgrade their skills. The KDC executive kicked things off with an all-day session where they planned education for upcoming...

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