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Breaking news

Saint-Gobain union network demands genuine dialogue

Hosted by IndustriALL Global Union’s French affiliate FO-Métaux at its premises, the fourth meeting of the global union network extensively debated the transformation programme. Transform and Grow is based on two pillars: acceleration of products and solutions portfolio management, and...

Breaking news

Anti-inequality protests intensify in Chile

The rally, which was held on 25 October in Santiago's Plaza Italia, has been dubbed "the biggest demonstration in Chile" on social media. According to official figures from the Santiago Metropolitan Area, more than a million people took part in...

Breaking news

Kazakh union leader Erlan Baltabay imprisoned again

Baltabay was released from prison in August 2019 after being pardoned by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, following a massive international union campaign for the liberation of the union leader. However, Baltabay's release from prison in August did not put an end to legal...

Breaking news

Trade union renewal, a global challenge

Research on the current state of unions in the world, commissioned by the Bureau for Workers’ Activities on the occasion of the International Labour Organisation’s Centenary celebration, shows that trade unions have enormous challenges ahead of them. Important changes in...

Breaking news

Iraq: educators join nationwide demonstration

The Iraqi Teachers’ Union called for a four-day strike starting on 28 October in solidarity with demonstrators urging public authorities to provide jobs, quality public services and to put an end to a political system that has failed them. The...

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