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The Anti-Capitalist Politics of Antifa

Submitted on Tue, 09/12/2017 - 5:44pm By Stephanie Basile - CounterPunch, September 6, 2017 As antifa has burst into the mainstream in recent weeks, suddenly the efficacy of confronting Nazis in the streets is being debated on the national stage....

Breaking news

NAFTA talks not tackling deal’s fundamental flaws

When talks resume in November, the Canadian government must push harder to fix the many problems with the North American Free Trade Agreement. This includes eliminating Chapter 11, NAFTA’s “investor-state dispute settlement” rules. Chapter 11 lets US and Mexican corporations sue...

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What will the new Palestinian deal achieve?

Last week, the two biggest Palestinian political factions, announced that they signed an initial unity agreement. This deal was announced by both sides as ‘a declaration of the end to division and a return to national Palestinian unity’. While this...

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Blog and Resources | Postal Banking

This is an action alert list for those who care about postal banking and are willing to share online content promoting this idea.Let's reach out to all Canadians and put pressure on decision makers to do the right thing!Alerts will...

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