Breaking news

Breaking news

Union leader arrested for taking strike action

Piston National President and Kilusang Mayo Uno National Council Member George San Mateo was arrested this week in controversial circumstances for organising an ‘illegal’ strike. San Mateo had been about to enter the Justice building to post bail when the...

Breaking news

Maritime dispute continues to grow

This week, many unions in Melbourne, Australia, came out in a show of support (see here and here) for the dockworkers who have walked off their job against the tactics of the global stevedoring giant International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI)....

Breaking news

Iranian workers go unpaid for months

This week, the workers at the giant Haft Tapeh sugar cane plantation and mill complex in Shush, Khuzestan Province in Western Iran, took a series of industrial actions in protest against not being paid for over four months. The workers...

Breaking news

Death squads returning to the Philippines

In the space of two days, 10 labour and human rights activists were killed in separate shootings on the islands of Luzon and Mindanao. All the victims were shot by the military or paramilitaries. These murders coincided with the announcement...

Breaking news

Protests greet far right speaker to Australia

Well known USA far right propagandist and multimedia troll, Milo Yiannopoulos concluded his tour of Australian cities this week. Milo is a mouthpiece for the far right in the USA, targeting minorities, the labour movement and the left in general....

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