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Breaking news

Myanmar unions fighting obstacles to organizing

Union busting is widespread in Myanmar; IndustriALL affiliate, the Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM), have lost 16 of their 65 company level unions to union busting. A tactic often used is to close the factory during a slow period,...

Breaking news

Health care workers in the Eastern Townships speak out

Health care workers in the Regional Health Authority (CIUSSS - CHUS), in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, addressed the institution’s board of directors last Monday, November 12. They staged a demonstration before the general meeting and their union representatives took to the floor...

Breaking news

Bulgarian unions get organizing boost

The gathering also welcomed leaders of the main national centers in Bulgaria, Plamen Dimitrov, President of CITUB and Dimitar Manolov, President of Podkrepa.The meeting, which was organized as part of developed cooperation between IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe, covered all...

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