Breaking news

Breaking news

international solidarity after Suzano school shooting

Brazil: international solidarity after Suzano school shooting After last week’s shooting at a school in Sao Paolo educators worldwide have shared their solidarity and grief with their colleagues, students and families in Brazil. The Confederaçao Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educaçao...

Breaking news

why educators and citizens should worry

The new EU copyright reform will change the way citizens and educators share, communicate, learn and create knowledge, putting democratic dialogue at risk according to Education International. On 25 March the EU moved one step closer to finalising the controversial EU...

Breaking news

Announcing the Little Big Union!

Submitted on Mon, 03/18/2019 - 6:23pm Originally Published Here. Workers at Little Big Burger know that our safety, well-being, and voices are important. Every single day we serve customers, cook food, bus tables, and wash dishes. We have formed the...

Breaking news

In solidarity with human rights activists

Sudan: In solidarity with human rights activists Topics in this post: As strikes and protests calling for democratic change increase in Sudan, Education International expresses solidarity with the academics and unionists and supports their demands.   The protest movement began...

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