An interview with Mansour Osanloo, the President of the Board of Directors of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Company (June, 2005). *


“Unemployment and lay-offs are more destructive than Earth quakes,

Assist us spiritually and materially, at national and international levels!”


**Introduction: In the early morning hours of June 2nd 2005, the headquarters of “Bus Drivers’ Syndicate of Tehran”[1] came under an extended attack, carried out by individuals wearing   civilian clothing. The attackers used incendiary bombs, and Molotov cocktails, which resulted in burning the office and parts of the building. The attackers throw the bombs through windows; the ensuing heat melted the metal framings of air conditioning unit. Bus Workers’ Syndicate is located within the Bakers Syndicate building. After the attack people within the vicinity of the burning building gathered in the middle of the street fearing the spread of fire into their houses.

   This arson attack came after a previous attack carried out about a month ago, on May 9th, 2005. Members, and elements of “Workers’ House[2],” under the leadership of Mr. Hasan Sadeghi, carried out all these attacks. This time their aggression was carried out on a higher level.

   After this vicious attack on Syndicate’s office, Saied Afshar a producer from Radio Equality [Radio Barabari] recorded this conversation with Mr. Mansour Osanloo, a leader of the Bus Workers’ Syndicate. Osanloo himself was a victim in the May 9th attack by “Workers’ House” thugs, and Hasan Sadighi. He was severely beaten, his tongue was cut, and attackers were about to cut his jugular vein. In this interview Mansoor Osanloo expresses Iranian workers call for justice as such:” …we wish for you, who live freely, and have resources, to let the world hear our voice, our demands for justice and Syndicate. Act by any resources available to you. In here there is a lot of pressure, and they’re trying to prevent us from gathering, and possibly there will be even more pressure to come.” He continues: “…assist us, write down our bank account number. Assist us financially, so we could lighten-up this heavy load of lay-offs, unemployment, discontinuation of workers’ benefits. Assist us so we could continue pursuing these demands until the end. We workers have accepted the possibility of death and everything else (for sake of pursuing workers demands), but our fellow-workers at least should have some financial backing to support their families and dependents, so they won’t have to back down in front of tyranny, and despotism of managers, and despotic CEO of the Bus Company, that’s all!!!” 


Radio Barabary: Greetings to you Mr. Osanloo. Could you tell us about the incident, and inform us of what has happened?

Osanloo: We are members of “ Founding Committee for resurrection and reopening of Bus Workers’ Syndicate of Tehran,”[3] We have called for a General Assembly twice, first time   on May, 13 2005, and again on June 3 2005. On May 9th [four days before our 1st assembly] an attack was organized by Mostafa Norian, the CEO of Tehran Bus Co. in order to stop us from organizing our assembly. The attackers were using twelve buses, and were all members of the so-called Workers’ House, and Islamic Labor Council[4]. They’re in fact tools of the employers, and unfortunately all were operating under the protection of security forces, which included Colonel Asaayeish, Colonel Saboori, Colonel Shabani, Major Shojaaie, Capitan Ebadi, and Capitan Khoshraftar. There were also other members of the security forces present in civilian clothing. All these individuals from security forces didn’t do a single thing to stop the attack. The aggressors broke down the door, walls, windows, and rushed inside the office stealing all the equipment. They hit, and destroyed the pictures of martyr workers of the war, and stole all the personal belongings of the members, and any document that they could get their hands on. Afterwards they collectively beat us up. I was beaten to death by a gang of about thirty to forty, on the last floor of the Bakers’ syndicate, located on Hasan Abad Square, Khayam St. # 22.

   This attack was carried out to stop our assembly on May 13, but in that day Bus Company workers showed up in mass, and all the surrounding streets were packed with drivers, and workers. Security forces and the police again illegally blocked the entrance to our building. According to the ILO codes 87, and 98 it’s our natural right to have an independent Syndicate without any intervention from the government, or the employer, but they intervened.  Keeping in mind these circumstances we asked our fellow workers, to disperse, so there would not be any violent confrontation, but nobody left, and from 11 am to noon Hasan Abad Square became a grand meeting space with more than 3000 workers. Having no other option I was obliged to give a speech, and explain our difficult predicament in creating our Syndicate, and read a communiqué on why they were preventing us from organizing our assembly. But the opinions of the workers were that this very street gathering was our official assembly! Everyone was in favor of dissolving Islamic Councils, and spoke as such. Workers were demanding free workers Syndicate. Of course in that assembly there were no written votes, but by oral vote, and participants’ enthusiasm, this [vote in favor of free Syndicate] was done.

    I should add, because they didn’t allow us to enter our building, we announced April 3rd as our second assembly, and informed all the media of our decision. Since last week [this interview was conducted on the last week of May] an increasing pressure from security forces, police department of greater Tehran, and the management of the Bus Co., has begun to buildup, to prevent us from having our assembly. This morning executive director of the Tehran province called me on the phone demanding to postpone our general assembly. Whereas in fact assembly is not such a big deal, in a matter of two hours workers come to cast their votes, and go back to their business. I don’t understand what kind of a problem would this be for this ruling faction, of our beloved country of Iran, they don’t want to see free workers’ assembly. This is the most basic right of any worker to have, a civil institution called Syndicate.

RB: Mr. Osanloo how did the June 2nd attack take place?

Osanloo:  Around midnight, I’m not sure if it was Molotov cocktail or something else, something incendiary was thrown through the balcony of the Bakers’ Syndicate [Bus workers office was located within the bakers’ Syndicate]. A great fire started there, and it was so ferocious that all air conditioning frames were on fire, all the windows shattered, and smoke and fire engulfed entire upper levels of the building. All neighbors poured into the street, called the police, and tried to put out the fire by water, but the fire just kept on getting worse, so firefighters arrived. Until 2 am neighborhood was very busy. Police from the 112th prescient showed up, and wrote down a report, and all the folks in the neighborhood were witness. After this arson attack, in the morning instead of providing security and permitting us to have our assembly, they were forcing us to abandon the building, and disrupting our assembly. Today security forces in civilian clothing with their own cars repeatedly came by and kept telling the workers that they have a letter from the Governor’s office banning their assembly because of “soccer game,” and other lame excuses.

   Look, an assembly in which a few thousand workers come and toss in their votes in ballot boxes, and leave, and not even hang around afterwards, what does this have to do with a soccer game all the way on the other side of the city? The pressure has been steadily growing up to this very moment that I’m talking to you. For instance, a member of the Bakers’ Syndicate was pressured so much that he started making loud complaints about why we were allowed [Bus Drivers] to use their building. In response the Bakers’ leadership told him that they were responsible for this decision, and considered us as their own children, and that we’re staying here until we have our own Syndicate. I should add that all these pressures have created divisiveness. All of this is to prevent us from having our own assembly; as an officer from 112 prescient told our colleagues:” We’ll place barbed wire in front of this building so tomorrow no one will be able to enter this place!” It should be mentioned that in the May 9th attack an elder baker named Khalil Godarzi was hurt so bad that he went into coma, and was hospitalized in Sina hospital. A few days ago he passed away, and tomorrow there’s suppose to be a memorial service for him in this building. The statement from that officer is an indication that these gentlemen are violating a private space. The ownership documents of this building is in the name of Bakers’ Syndicate of Tehran; (bakers’ guild of Lavaashi, Sangaki, and Taftoni bread), keeping in mind that this space must be kept open tomorrow so the memorial precession would go on, it is natural that we will resist to the best of our ability. To the extent possible we’ll preserve this legal gathering of our own. This is a right within the boundaries of ILO, and also an amendment of the International Convention on Human Rights. This is a responsibility we have towards our wives, and children, our families, our history, and our future.    

R.B.: Mr. Osanloo, we’ve heard that some of the workers in the Bus Co. were intimidated, and some were even suspended, others were attacked, including yourself. Do you have any information on this to tell us?

Osanloo:  I have precise information, and will tell you exact names. Since winter, exactly from March 12, 2005 they’ve illegally prevented me from working, and now it’s about three months that I haven’t received any wages. Economic hardship has put my family under lots of pressure. I have to pay my son’s university tuition, which is very expensive in Iran. I have bills, and loans to pay. These merciless employers for no reason, and only because we’re in favor of our own independent Syndicate, have sacked me, and now I’m unemployed. In addition to me there are also thirteen other of my colleagues like Mr. Ali Zadhossaini, Ibrahim Madaddi, Assadollah Hajiromnan, Abbas Najankodaki, Ahad Farshi, Ayat Jadidiy, Reza Tarazi, and Behrooz Hossaini, which were dismissed. There are seven or eight others that have been suspended like: Mr.Seyeid Davood Razavi, Mahmmod Hajabri, a fifty-five years old worker with an extensive seniority. He was suspended yesterday. Many have been displaced, and they’ve been sent away far away. All overtime, and work benefits have been cancelled. Our monthly wage is barely about 200 Euros! Now they’ve stopped even this. Because we want to establish independent workers organization based on international conventions. We’re not guilty of anything but Syndicalism, and don’t have the liberty to even have an independent organization!

R.B.: Mr.Osanloo, it was mentioned that the attackers [on the initial attack of May 9th] were trying to cut your tongue with a blade.

Osanloo: Not that they just wanted to, they actually did!!! Mr. Ali Akbar Ayozi, the head of East Tehran’s Islamic Council, and Hasan Sadeghi, spokesperson for the Islamic Council of Tehran, led May 9th attack. These are the same councils that no one has voted for; they’re so much under the control of the owners that the Labor Department was forced by the ILO, and in presence of Mr.Juan Savamara, Mr.Waner Lun, and Mr. Papayoma, all leading members of ILO, to pass a bill without even once mentioning the Islamic Councils. Instead Labor Dept. mentioned Syndicate as the legitimate labor organization, as part of the tri-lateral arrangement [between the state, employer, and the workers]. When these people from Workers’ House, and Islamic Councils attacked us the CEO of the Bus Co. logistically supported them.

   Mostafa Norin was the one who started attacking me. They were armed with brass knuckles, sticks, knives, and handguns. Hasan Sadeghi had a handgun and a walki-talkie in his hand, and kept hitting me in my mouth with his handgun. There were seven or eight other workers also present, and they were trying to get them outside of the room so they could get me alone, but they weren’t successful. When they realized there were seven or eight other people present they started to chant; “Death to Hypocrite,[5]” “Death to Tudehi[6],” and gave orders to kill me on the spot. They rushed me, and put me on a large metal sheet, and Ali Ayozi began squeezing my neck, and proceeded to cut my tongue and my neck. My tongue was partially cut, also a part of my neck, and my throat, which took seventeen stitches. Four stitches are on my jugular vein. After this group attack I went to the medical examiners office, and they recorded twenty-two counts of injuries, and traumas from my head to my toe.

R.B.: It looks like Hasan Sadighi and a couple of his colleagues from Workers’ House, and Islamic Councils have gone to Switzerland to participate in an ILO meeting. When you hear of such news, how do you feel?!!

Osanloo: This is a real shame. Yesterday in a letter to ILO we exposed these “gentlemen” as the ones who have violated peoples’ life and their property. They’ve stolen Syndicate’s motorcycles, and properties. We demanded that they won’t be allowed to speak on behalf of Iranian workers, and they’re not workers at all. They’re elements of the management. From day one they’ve registered Workers House as a party in the Interior Dept. and not in the Labor Dept. This is an organization that from very beginning was built on violence, prejudice, and lies. They usurped the building on Abo Rayhan Ave that used to be called “Iranian Workers Syndicates House.” We express sorrow and disappointment that they were received as workers’ representatives, and speaking as such. We’ve sent letters to Mr.Juan, and Waner Lun, and had them exposed, and made it clear that they’re government and management’s elements, and not the spokesperson for workers. We hope that when they reach Geneva they won’t be allowed to speak on behalf of workers! This is our wish, but we’re short handed, if it’s possible for you in there [abroad], you should expose them. We’re living in a despotic country. Right now as I’m talking to you, every moment there’s fear of death, terror, and destruction for our families, and my colleagues: Mr.Zadhossaini, Mansoor Haghighi, Behrooz Ferdowsi, Maddadi, and other members of the founding committee. We’re struggling between life and death to institutionalize one of the articles of International Convention on Human Rights, the right to free speech, and free assembly!!!

R.B.: Mr.Osanloo, now after all these confrontations, and violations to your rights, and all the episodes created against you, what is your perspective as far as resurrection of Bus workers’ Syndicate?

Osanloo: This week we’ve had many reports, and organized a number of meetings. Almost everyday from dawn to dusk we were in the Syndicate’s office. Everyday many friends would come by, and revise the by-laws. We’ve put together a modern constitution, and by-laws that respond to today’s issues, and concerns of the Bus workers.

   Majority of the Bus Co. workers are very sympathetic to us, and agree with slogans and demands that relate to their lives. More than eight thousands until now have expressed interest in attending the assembly tomorrow.

   We think that the horizon is clear. We have a good future, a democratic and just future for the people, and workers of Iran is ahead of us. We’re living in an era of transition from despotism to democracy, and we’ll confront all obstacles. We’re not going to quit our path, or our faith. Every day there are more and more workers in favor of independent and democratic workers’ organizations. The power that has preserved us up to now, and has prevented the government from taking us to jail, or killing us, is probably this very support of the board mass of workers towards the members of the founding committee.

R.B.: Mr. Osanloo we thank you very much for taking part in this conversation. We wish you, and all your co-workers, much success in continuation of your struggle.

Osanloo: On behalf of myself and my friends, comrades, and workers that are fighting for preservation and continuation of the Syndicate, we thank you and wish that you could get our message to everyone all over the world. There’s a lot of pressure in here, they’re blocking our assembly, and possibly there’ll be more pressure to come.

We’ve opened up a bank to assist all fired and suspended worker, so their families won’t fall apart. Present this bank account of ours to the world. We’re asking for assistance so that workers’ families won’t fall apart, and they don’t become afflicted with poverty and prostitution. This request for assistance is from NGOs and our fellow workers throughout Iran and the world. People of the world assist each other in times of earthquakes and floods. Illegal unemployment is worse than earthquake and demands an international support. Assist us, and utilize the bank account, so we could lighten up the load of all these lay-offs, firings, and losing of the benefits. We workers have accepted the possibility of death and everything else (for sake of pursuing workers demands), but our fellow-workers at least should have some financial backing to support their families and dependents, so they won’t have to back down in front of tyranny, and despotism of managers, and despotic CEO of the Bus Company, that’s all!!!” 


* This interview was done on the Radio Barabari, and transcribed on Rahe Kargar's web site, with a few modifications from colloquial to written about three years ago. Many thanks to producers of “Radio Equality” (Radio Barabari) for conducting the interview. 


**Comments by the translator, Hoshang Tarehgol:

Since early 2005 when bus driver’s syndicate of Tehran began re-organizing their efforts around “reinaguration” [baz goshaei] of their syndicate *, around the simple, basic idea of an independent labor organization, they have become a constant of Iranian labor movement. By January 2006, they went beyond merely demanding, and initiated a city wide bus strike in pursuit of their goal, establishing an autonomous bus drivers’ syndicate in Tehran; with a metropolitan population of about 13 millions. Though the strike had its limitations, it demonstrated once more that workers’ power is present and active in Iran.

            If before the strike Osanloo and the leadership cadre of the syndicate were the main targets of oppressive apparatuses of the state, after the strike we witnessed an unprecedented wave of repression unleashed on syndicate’s rank and file (included but not limited to: midnight attacks and incarceration of drivers’ families, and keeping them hostage until striking drivers turned themselves in,…). It would take a multi-volume book to document all the injustices and abuses this syndicate has been subjected to, but for the purpose of this introduction suffice it to say that Osanloo since then has been kidnapped, beaten to a pulp, incarcerated, and released several times. The latest communiqué from syndicate informed all that instead of a hospital that he was supposed to be taken to for his eyes; he was taken to an even more notorious prison in Karaj. By denying Osanloo the urgent medical treatment he needs, the Islamic Republic is attempting once more to endanger the life of another leader while incarcerated, by homicidal negligence, as it attempted to do so with another national labor leader: Mahmood Salehi. A forceful labor solidarity campaign, combining efforts of national and international labor organizations and activists, was able to secure Salehi’s release; similar efforts will most definitely be needed to bring about Osanloo’s freedom!

            The interview above though dated by some three years it still gives a glimpse into everyday workings of the syndicate, the solidarity that has animated it so far, and the obstacles they still face. For a vivid personal description of the attack on Osanloo, including the stitches he received, in Persian check:

You Tube-Iran-Islamic Republic Tortures Osanloo Union Organizer, or 

You Tube-Mansour Osanloo- Freedom Will Come (English), also see


·         The dates on syndicate’s logo read: established 1968, reinaugurated 2005.


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International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI)

Background Information:

[1] Sandikai Kargaran Sherkat Vahed Autobusrani Tehran va Houmeh or The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Company.

[2] The government sanctioned so called “Labor” organization, responsible for many vicious acts of violence, and thuggery against protesting workers in the past twenty-five years. At the moment some leading members of this body are the official” representatives” of Iranian workers in International Labor Organization. Expulsion of these thugs from ILO is a common demand of all independent and progressive individuals and organizations in the Iranain labor movement.

[3] Hayate moasses ehia va bazgoshie Sandykaie Sherkat Vahed Tehran

[4] Islamic Labor Council, Shorai Islami Kar, another government sanctioned “labor” organization which has the same repugnant function as the so-called “ Workers’ House,” mentioned above.

[5] ‘Hypocrite’ is like a code word in Islamic Republic of Iran for any oppositional force, and is usually the signal for physical attack.

[6] “Tudeh Party,” is the name of the- presently fractured- old-time organization in Iran. Although this organization is not a truly socialist group, it still at times is used by the government to redbait any progressive opposition, despite the existence of many more left leaning organizations in Iran.