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Let’s campaign for the ratification of ILO C190!

Violence and harassment in the world of work can happen everywhere – online, in the physical workplace, during the commute, where workers rest, eat or attend to their health and sanitation need, as well as at social gatherings.

Why is C190 important?

  • Violence and harassment in the world of work cannot be tolerated
  • This is the first international standard that aims to put an end to violence and harssment in the world of work
  • It recgonizes that everyone has the right to a world of work free from violence and harassment
  • The Convention will cover existing gaps in national legislation

C190 provides a momentum for trade unions and other stakeholders to fight violence and harassment in the world of work. Unions have an important role to play to make sure the Convention becomes part of national laws.

What can unions do?

  • Raise awareness and provide education to union members and society at large
  • Actively campaign for the ratification of C190 in each country
  • Mobilize around the issue of violence and harassment in the world of work
  • Build alliances with other trade unions, national centres, NGOs and especially women’s rights groups to help eliminate workplace violence and harassment
  • Develop structures for advocating the ratification

C190 and unions – this is our tool and we should use it!

Contact IndustriALL’s gender coordinator Armelle Seby to find out what your union can do. 


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