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K-12 support workers in Bulkley Valley ratify tentative agreement

CUPE 2145 K-12 support workers at seven schools in Smithers, Telkwa and Houston BC have ratified a tentative agreement on June 24, following bargaining that began in April. 

“I couldn’t be prouder of our bargaining team – they were great. We all worked really well together and were professional. Our members came to the table ready to do business,” said CUPE 2145 President Rolanda Lavallee.

Lavallee noted that when the local elected their bargaining committee, all departments were represented. The local’s amicable relationship with the employer, she added, was another contributing factor in reaching a deal wholeheartedly endorsed by the membership.

The tentative agreement also incorporates the provincial framework agreement approved by the K-12 Presidents Council in September. The current K-12 agreement expires on June 30, 2019. When ratified by CUPE locals and school districts, the provincial agreement will be in effect from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022.

Further details will not be available until after ratification by all parties, expected to be completed this month.

CUPE 2145 members, who provide a wide variety of services that support students, include Education Assistants, Indigenous Support Workers, Strong Start, Custodians, Trades, Clerical, Bus Drivers, Maintenance and IT.

The local represents 47 full-time and 131 part-time members in K-12 who provide support services at seven schools in Smithers, Telkwa and Houston.

To find out more about CUPE members working in K-12, visit


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