We strongly oppose military threats of US and allies against Syria. We consider such militarist action as criminal and call upon the global working class and all labor organizations in the world to decisively oppose such moves and prevent possibility of war and crimes against humanity.
Based on the common interests of the international working class, and universality of human rights, IASWI’s positions on Syrian Civil War and threats of military attacks by US and allies, are as follows:
· We strongly condemn the massacre of innocent people in the Syrian Civil War. These massacres are committed by both sides of this destructive war. Assad’s murderous regime, “Free Syrian Army”, and all other reactionary armed forces from Al Qaeda, to Salafist are directly responsible for more than hundred thousand deaths and over two million refugees. We also condemn any use of chemical weapons. There is no doubt that the Arab Union, reactionary states in the region, especially Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, and world capitalism led by European Union and US are all responsible in continuation of this slaughterhouse in Syria and its great historical backward turn. Also all those regimes that support the Syrian state, such as Russia or Iran, are responsible for prolongation of this civil war, and are aiding and abating the massacres.
· We strongly oppose military threats of US and allies against Syria. We consider such militarist action as criminal and call upon the global working class and all labor organizations in the world to decisively oppose such moves and prevent possibility of war and crimes against humanity. The states of European Union and US, which have been directly and indirectly involved in massacres of millions of people in the world, including, but not limited to, their crimes against humanity in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, must be tried by workers and oppressed people of the world in real, independent and fair tribunals.
· We consider Assad’s repressive capitalist regime as inhuman, and support the struggles of the working class, toilers, oppressed and deprived people of Syria for freedom and equality against this murderous regime. One of the most crucial elements in this struggle against the Syrian regime is the maintenance of the total political and class independence. Clear, decisive and active opposition to the murderous “Free Syrian Army”, Al Qaeda and Salafist currents and supporters of Western powers’ capitalist and imperialist policies is also a must. None of these reactionary forces will ever bring freedom or justice for Syrian people.
· As we have always emphasized, it is only through the international working class, the world- wide anti-capitalist movements and other freedom and equality seeking struggles of deprived people around the world that a lasting peace based on freedom, equality, social and economic justice and total elimination of exploitation can be actualized.
International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI)
[email protected] / [email protected]
September 3, 2013