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CUPE members in Bruce, Grey, and Wellington counties donate $100,000 to their communities

Image of group of people from CUPE 255 holding a giant chequeMunicipal workers in Bruce, Grey, and Wellington counties are celebrating ten years of support for the communities where they work and live. For the last ten years, workers represented by CUPE 255, have donated over $100,000 to local charities and organizations that improve life for local residents.

“Our members are so committed to their communities – not just through the services they deliver, but also by supporting the efforts of organizations that improve quality of life and advocate for equality and social justice,” said CaseyHillier, President of CUPE 255.

“Each year, our members give roughly $10,000 to groups doing this work in the region. This year, our donations are focused on the South Grey Bruce Literacy Program, Wes for Youth Online, the United Way Heating program, and several local hospices. We are very proud to be able to contribute to our communities in this way.”

CUPE255 represents roughly 175 full-time and part-time workers at Bruce Telecom, Bruce County Highways, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, the Township of Wellington North, and the Town of Hanover.


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