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CUPE in solidarity with the people of Chile

CUPE in solidarity with the people of ChileCUPE stands with the international community in expressing solidarity with the people of Chile. They are mobilizing against major transportation fare hikes, and against decades of right wing austerity policies that have cut and privatized public services like health care, education and drinking water.  

We join others here and around the world calling on President Piñera to end the violence and repression, to lift the state of emergency and remove the military from the streets, and to respect the demands of the people to address the root causes of the current crisis.

We draw inspiration from the courage of marginalized communities, workers, students, activists and leaders who are fighting for their right to a better life and are holding to account the corporate elite and their allies in government in Chile.  CUPE commits to continue this same fight here in Canada, alongside our sisters and brothers around the world

Photo credit: Fotomovimiento This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.


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